"Not only has it secured the star power of Monica Bellucci but it has a stonking soundtrack by Michael Lira that makes it feel as if it's in a whole different league."
Jennie Kermode
"Nekrotronic screeches like a bat out of hell, racing through neon-lit sets to the beat of an adrenaline-inducing score by Michael Lira."
Matt Konopka
Killer Horror Critic
Wyrmwood : Road Of The Dead
“The ace in the packaging deck is a terrific score by Michael Lira that includes everything from crunching industrial noise to fun variations on the type of overblown library music used in 1950s B-grade sci-fi movies.”
Richard Kuipers
Variety Magazine (USA)
“Icing on the cake, or final drop of blood on the zombie, is Michael Lira’s score which implements industrial sound into the music mix, creating an original and unique sound for "Wyrmwood: Road of the Dead”.”
The Examiner (USA)
'Stravinsky meets the Cramps at a John Zorn junkyard'
“Special credit to Michael Lira’s rousing score, which follows and augments the beats of the film with unerring precision.”
Tin Ear Tom
Gourmet Horror (UK)
“Michael Lira's score far outclasses what one expects from this kind of production”
Jennie Kermode
Eye For Film (UK)
“WYRMWOOD also benefits greatly from Tim Nagle’s sharp, colorful lens and a bombastic score from Michael Lira, both of which gives the film an ‘80s-esque tone to match its old-school concept.”
Ken W. Hanley
“"Full-orchestra sounds swinging from eerie to stomping in a heartbeat"“
Cam Findlay
The Music (Aus)
“ Michael Lira who is a staple of the indie music scene in Australia should also be given credit for his excellent score”
Andrew Brusentsev
Los Angeles Overnight
"There’s an uncanny sense of dread that pervades “Los Angeles Overnight,” thanks to a voice-over from Bogdanovich’s hypnotherapist character, and a super-cool synth score by Michael Lira."
"Michael Lira’s atmospheric electronic score is likewise worth commending"
Ari Mattes
The Tail Job
"Perhaps the element of this film I was most impressed with was it’s score. The score of this film is essential to the tension and suspense that made the comedy so hysterical. Not only was it appropriate, it heightened the calibre of this film tremendously."
Evan Dorrycott
Off To The Films